Saturday, September 28, 2019

Week Six Post Reach and Post Engagement

                  Post reach is the amount of people who actually saw your post, but post engagement holds a heavier meaning in terms of how many people took action because of your post. There are three different kinds of reach, organic, viral and paid according to Commercial Web Services ( Organic reach being the number of times users saw your page without it being promoted in their news feed, viral reach is when users see your post because other users like, comment, or share that piece of content. Lastly, we have paid reach where users pay to have their page promoted and the more money you pay the more it will be seen. I feel paid reach is more common in larger companies whereas smaller businesses rely on organic and viral reach to get their pages seen. Viral reach has become the internet's word of mouth; now that people are spending more time on the internet they share the post rather than speaking to each other in person about what they saw
                 Post reach is only the tip of the iceberg because you can make two decisions after seeing a post, you can do nothing or engage in what you saw. Having a high reach doesn't always result in high post engagement; engaging in a post means liking a post, clicking on a link or sharing the content with others. People will look at your page but not many are willing to go any further than a glance, what you post and when can largely effect your numbers. While reading  "9 Reasons Why Your Facebook Post Engagement is Low", )
 timing can affect who sees your content. In the article they talk about how you can most effectively reach your target audience by timing when they are the most active.  From personal experience I noticed when I post too late at night or too early in the morning, I get the least amount of likes because most of my followers are active between 12-2pm. Posting too much or too little can also affect post engagement because if you post too little nobody will see any of your posts, posting too much will result in your followers will feel overwhelmed and simply scrolling past your posts in their feed.

                 Facebook Insights can help businesses better serve their customers by providing demographics used to find a target market. Allowing a business view the age, gender, relationships status, and lifestyle can help to narrow down who their audience is. For those who have more women followers who are between the ages of 18- 25 and who love cats can use that information to then create posts that appeal to women who fit that description. The more their post appeals to their followers, engagement is created and then the business grows through viral reach. With Facebook Insights businesses can also track when and how often their target audience log onto Facebook so they can better time their posts. Insights is a tool to better help businesses track data that will give them the opportunity to maximize their reach and engagement. Having this feature on my own social media account has opened my eyes to how my account impacts others. It creates this bit of anxiety in me because you will notice when your account has low impact on your followers; it creates a learning experience  and makes you ask yourself "how can I be better?". This is the mindset that entrepreneurs, both beginning and experienced have; the question of how you can do better, what can be better will always be asked and Facebook Insights makes that question a little easier to answer.             

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