Thursday, September 5, 2019

Week Three Part One: Communications Between Businesses and Consumers

                     Personally, I haven't had much experience with trying to communicate with a business through social media. Although I have had an experience where I did order something online and I had to email the company due to an error. I'm sure many of you are familiar with Suavecito Pomade, years ago I wanted to buy some of its product from their website and after weeks of waiting I never received my order in the mail. I had to do something about it, so instead of waiting longer I emailed the company and they emailed me back right away apologizing for the error. A couple of days later I received my package with a few extra goodies and a card that apologized again for the inconvenience and that they hope I enjoy the free extra products they sent me. Overall, this was a great experience when it came to customer service but emails are more direct and somewhat easier to sort; social media on the other hand, varies when responding to customers.
                 When having a business account on social media platforms, receiving customer feedback is a lot easier than it was before social media. Looking in the comments of your latest post can lead you to tons of feedback from customers whether it's good or bad; although it is easier to get feedback on social media it can become harder to respond to it all. Depending on how big your business is, you could have more than 1,000 followers and answering every single one of them can be difficult. A way that could help with responding to millions of customers on social media can be a simple post that responds to the questions most asked, it isn't very personal but it gets the job done.

                  If it was my own business with both negative and positive comments I'd respond in several different ways. To all the simply positive comments, I would either write a "thank you for your support" to each comment if there wasn't that many. If it was in large quantities of comments I'd use the appreciation post method for all my followers to see. Now when it comes to negative comments, I really don't have a certain way that I would respond. Handling negative comments constructively can improve your business; they could bring out the flaws that need fixing or they can help you find a way to make your product or service better. Other than that, negative comments would really just be tossed to the side there's no time to dwell on negative comments when running a business.


  1. Isabel,
    Great analysis of dealing with positive and negative feedback as a business! I like the mass-appreciation method you mentioned, especially considering the pressure of thousands of followers, which you also brought up. Most of all, I loved your last line about tossing negativity to the side when there's more important things to deal with. Awesome response!

  2. Hi Isabel,
    Wow that was a good read! I really can't agree with you more when you said you don't have time to really dwell on negative comments when running a business. I also didn't realize that the negative comments can bring out your flaws which actually is a good thing, you're right!

  3. That's great that you had such a great experience with Suavecito Pomade. That is an inspiring way to deal with a negative guest experience. mistakes happen, and sometimes the best way to show your great Customer service skills, is through showing how you deal with an issue. they clearly did a great job, and left a great impression.

  4. I'm glad that the company took initiative to acknowledge their mistake and to give you some sort of bonus for the hassle. That shows that they make an effort for their customers.

  5. I think they handles it in a great way, and thats why I always send extra goodies if their is a delay or issue, because sometimes life happens and things happen as business owners that we have no control of. So the fact they made up for it is really awesome because some companies dont have to.

  6. Isabel, I am not familiar with Suavecito Pomade, but I am impressed with the way they dealt with the mishandled order. We're all human and we make mistakes. Taking responsibility for an oversight or error is very respectable. And, the fact that they sent you extra product shows that they value you as a customer and truly feel bad about what had happened.
